Being the noble tale of Edward of King's Wood.
Chapter the First, in which Edward returns home;
Yoo-hoo, i'm home - How was your day - bloody shambles of course - oh dear, what has happened now - where's me paper - in the loungeroom - oh.
Chapter the Second, in which visitors arrive;
Heydy-hody everybody, here comes the party - it's Bob - shutup Bob - and Merle.
Chapter the Third; in which a man of Continental descent is addressed;
Buonjiorno wog - yeah yeah sure Ted - did you park your Valiant in the driveway - can I have a beer - money on the fridge wog.
Chapter the Forth; in which miscellaneous catchphrases are utilised;
Pickle me grandmother - ha ha Miss Smarty-emu-drawers - here we go again (too right we go again) - The Kingswood - You're not taking the Kingswood - grubby little Datsun dealer.