Captain Doobie,
The Cloisters
Morphett Vale SA 5162
Dear Captain,
Thank you for your recent inquiry. SAPOL are always looking for new ways in which to liase with the community and we woud be delighted to supply you with the projections you requested.
To summarise your request, here is your list of personalities, accompanied by the reward for the theoretical kidnappers, should they be apprehended:
Anne Wills: $5000
Ugly Dave Grey: $3500
Humphrey B Bear: $7500
HRH Elizabeth Windsor: $1m
Jean Luc Picard: $60000
The Goodies: $10000
Chilly Billy, The Little Man Who Lives In The Fridge: $200
Arnold Schwarzenegger: $750000
Lucille Ball: $20
I hope this has been of some assistance.
Chief Inspector Slaptard
SAPOL Customer Relations (Gulag)
p.s. SAPOL would like to remind members of the general public that kidnapping is not a very nice thing to do.