Saturday, September 11, 2010

Some Heavy Shit Has Been Going Down And We Didn't Spot It, Man.

There's no easy way to lay this on you, so i'm just going to come right out and say it: how do we know that the characters in the Peanuts comics are kids?

I mean, really, think about it. Apart from Snoopy and Woodstock (who i'm fairly sure are not human), what do we have?

Schroeder: Displays a talent for the piano that children usually don't.
Lucy: Operates a successful psychiatric clinic.
Charlie Brown. Bald. He's fucking bald! Why did you think he was a kid?

We've never seen any 'adults' at all in the comics. Oh, they're talked about, mentioned, but NEVER SEEN. Its like they were all murdered or something, and their children have simply grown up in denial. I can only speculate as to the fate of Ms Othmar.

Suddenly the Peanuts strip seems a whole lot more bizarre, doesn't it?

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