Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Richard Dawkins Is A Raving Whackjob

As an unrepentant agnostic, if there’s one thing I like better than baiting religious nuts its baiting atheists.
I love atheists. They come out all scientific and (perversely) holier-than-thou, tut-tutting the religions of the world and, in Richard Dawkins’ case, writing big books.
The problem is that atheism springs from exactly the same place as religion: faith. The atheists say that God’s existence cannot be proven, therefore he does not exist. But this is faulty logic. As any good fictional detective will tell you, the absence of proof is not proof positive. Because no-one can prove that God exists, it is not proof that he doesn’t. Whenever I meet a particularly garrulous atheist I always like to point out that the burden of proof is on them. To back up their hypothesis, they must prove that God does not exist. Due to the reportedly omnipotent and ethereal nature of God, this cannot be proven. There is no way to prove that God does not exist.
They really really don’t like hearing that. They also don’t like then being told that their belief that God does not exist is just that: a belief. It is powered by the same motivational force that religion is: personal faith. They are as unreasoned, unscientific and illogical as those in an organised religion, and only the names are different.

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