Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Devious Plot Of the Robotic Panda, Part 4.

The Editor,
Greenly-Upon-Throckmorton Mercantile Gazette,
14-18 Tubercular Mews,
Greenley-Upon-Throckmorton, DV1.


Recently, an incident occurred in my sitting-room which I feel I must bring to the notice of the greater British public. Whilst I am not given to making appeals for assistance of the readership of this esteemed periodical I feel that I am justified in this case. Recently, a workman left his cigarettes in my house. Owing to the nature of his employ, I have no other means of returning them to him save to advertise their whereabouts within the pages of the Greenly-Upon-Throckmorton Mercantile Gazette, in the hope that he may read my correspondence and collect his property with alacrity.


Dr Tunstall Warburton, esq.,
The Cloisters,
Lower-Greenly-Upon-Throckmorton, DV2.

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