"There!" cried Captain Doobie in triumph, flamboyantly scribbling the last letter in the last box and waving his pen with a flourish, "That's that."
"That's what?" mumbled Goodtime Slim from the couch, engrossed in the latest Phantom comic*.
"I've finished the crossword in the Advertiser."
"Goodtime Slim looked up. "I've always wondered why you bother with that thing. You start off ok, but then you're always in a mad panic to finish it."
"Of course. If I couldn't finish it, it would mean that someone at the Advertiser is smarter than me, and I can't be having that can I?"
Goodtime Slim looked at him dissaprovingly. "I don't think anyone at the Advertiser ever actually does the crossword," he told him.
Captain Doobie looked indignant. "Of course they do!" he cried, "How else do they have the answers in there the next day?"
*The Sengh Brotherhood Cops A Right Bloody Belting; Frew Publications, 2008.
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