Monday, December 28, 2009

A Trivial Pursuit

Ladies and gentlemen, please find below a hitherto unknown and unreported cornucopia of facts recently discovered behind the radiator in the original offices of the Encyclopedia Brittanica. These were uncovered during a routine tea-drainage check of the premises at Dickenspot Lane and appear to predate the original compilation of the encyclopedia in the 19th century.

Necks: The longest known neck in the animal kingdom is that of the cameleopard. The author recommends the use of .50 calibre rounds.

Speed, Aquatae: The fastest recorded mammalian (air-breathing) speed is displayed by the Capybaras rodent of the Spanish Americas. The author recommends the use of a Benchley & ffyfe breech-loading smoothbore scatter-ball rifle.

Wingspan: The largest wingspan ever recorded belongs to the Greater Southern Albatross, known to frequent the frozen wastes to the south of Van Diemen's Land. The author recommends .357 rimfire rounds in use with a repeating rifle.

Sloth: The laziest form of life in the animal kingdom is the Irishman. The author recommends use of hollow-point ammunition from .32 to .577 (service revolver) calibre.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Something Something Something Bullshit

I like Family Guy. I like the Star Wars movies. Ergo, when 'Blue Harvest' was released I was ecstatic with joy. Likewise, when Dec 23rd rolled around I couldn't wait to head to JB Hi Fi on my lunch break and pick up the second installment, 'Something Something Something Darkside'.
I needn't have bothered. While I have only seen a few episodes from the latest season of FG, from what I see in this movie there's been some shark-jumping going on in a major way.
Family Guy has always pushed boundaries: that's why I love it. But until now they've always used the crudities they use in very witty ways. In BH, for example, when Darth Stewie starts making diaper jokes then magically pulls out a list and says 'I could go on, i've got hundreds of these', that's funny and a great moment. By contrast the moment in SSSD when Stewie starts doing 'Darth farts' is just crass, and far less funny. There are some good gags, don't get me wrong, but on the whole it not only feels forced, it feels MEAN, like the writers really wanted to stick it to everyone in a major way. It really made me feel like I was watching some dickhead rant about how much he hates Empire and pointing out all of the plot holes. There are constant cheap digs at gays, blacks, gays, hispanics and gays. Did I mention there are a LOT of gay 'jokes'? The whole thing goes just way too far. I can put up with watching jokes about race and sexuality when they're witty and good-natured, but this was simply too juvenile and unnecessarily harsh and as such, unfunny.
It's a pity. BH was fantastic. What the hell happened?????

Thursday, December 24, 2009

2012: A Review

When I first heard that "2012" was coming out I was very excited and couldn't wait to see it. However, now that I have seen it i'm sorry to say that the naming convention is almost the only thing that connects this movie with the first two in the fanchise, "2001: A Space Odyssey" and "2010: The Year We Make Contact".
Initially it looked good, opening with some nice shots of the sun and Saturn, and I thought we were going to see a repeat of the end of "2010" when Saturn gets turned into a second sun. However, it appears that this has now been retconned, and the power of our original sun has just been increased, with some rather disastrous results for the Earth I must say!
Most disappointingly there is no HAL, no monoliths and no space travel. There's barely even any Heywood Floyd, but when he does show up at the end he's played by the original Nite Owl and is now the captain of a boat. Odd.
I simply didn't see the reason for this sequel as it just seems tacked-on to the series, particularly when you consider that there's a perfectly good Arthur C Clarke-written sequel in "2063: Odyssey Three".
Oliver Platt was good though, as always.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

In Which I Behave In The Manner Of A Character From A Charles Dickens Novel

Today I officially entered the 19th century, as I made use of the services of a Cobbler for the first time. As I have now started work at a job that requires nice shiny shoes, my old boots looked a bit shabby. I polished them and found that the leather is still really good but the heels had worn down. Unwilling as I am to throw some otherwise perfectly good (and expensive!) boots in the bin, I hunted down a strange and wizened Cobbler by the name of Mr Minit, who NAILED some new heel pads on. How cool is that? I now have hob-nailed boots.

I am not a Dustman, however, because I fail to refer to them as 'daisy roots'.

That is all.

Friday, December 11, 2009

This Is Just Plain Cool

As an amateur gemmologist with delusions of grandeur I was poking about on the PIRSA (that's Primary Industries and Resources of South Australia to you) website looking for new fossicking grounds, and I found this:

How cool is that? I know that SA is fairly unstable (heh heh, I live 5 houses down from the Darlington Fault Line) but I had no idea that SA experienced shocks and tremors with this sort of regularity.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Friday, December 04, 2009


Hyundai Announces Production In Alabama.

Pyongyang: Ginormous Automotive Chaebol Hyundai have opened a new production facility in Birmingham, Alabama, and have promised that the move will not inhibit the lack-of-quality for which the brand is reknowned.
"This is a very exciting move for us," announced Hyundai spokesman Yay Wee Suk at a news conference, "Until now, consumers unhappy with their purchase have always been able to be given the standard excuse 'What did you expect? It's made in Korea'. However, recent advances in education and standard of living in Korea have now made this excuse untenable. Now, when a consumer drives down the road and his or her door falls off and their seat explodes they will be told with a shrug and an embarrassed grin 'Well, it is made in Alabama...'. This should solve a great many problems."
Consumer groups have welcomed the move, with automotive lobby group the Ku Klux Klan embracing wholeheartedly the return of profitable industry with low expectations. "Toyota din't like the way we'all did things 'round hyar," Klansman Hyman T Spunkfelcher III reported, "They came in hyar wit all they highfalutin' idees bout sheeit actually workin'. But these here Hyundai fellers, I seen the kinda crapola they'all want, an I think we'all kin work together, us and they'all, even if'n they is a bunch o'commies.
In light of Hyundai's announcement local Australian manufacturers Holden and Ford re-eiterated their commitment to continue to build at Elizabeth and Geelong.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Random Doobings

Goodtime Slim pulled the binoculars from his eyes only with extreme reluctance. "Oh my g'quan," he breathed slowly.
Next to him Captain Doobie sat peering out of the front window, but without the benefit of any form of visual augmentation he was at a loss to know what would cause such a reaction.
"What?" he asked Goodtime Slim, "What is it? What do you see?"
To Captain Doobie's consternation his housemate merely shook his head. "I can't tell you," he replied, "You wouldn't believe it."
Captain Doobie, who was even more prone to irrational belief than an Electric Monk, was nonplussed. "I might," he challenged.
"No, really, you wouldn't."
Captain Doobie was hurt, as this was his reputation on the line. "I would!" he cried, "remember that time that I accidentally superglued myself to the TV and ended up believing that the guy on the Flight Centre ads was a real pilot for a whole week?"
Goodtime Slim nodded sagely. That had been a bad week all round. "I'm sorry," he said, "but you just wouldn't believe it. The Flight Centre guy was nothing compared to this. The Honey-Making Powers of Wasps was nothing compared to this. The time I got you to believe that Jeremy Clarkson was the new British Prime Minister was nothing compared to this. If I were to tell you what i've just seen you'd spend so muct brain-power trying to believe it that your brain would simply explode and i'd get muck on my lapel."
"Lapels," supplied Captain Doobie, indicating that Goodtime Slim did indeed have a plurality of lapels on his person at this time.
"Lapel," repeated his housemate, indicating that his use of the singular implied that one would be all that was necessary in this instance.
Captain Doobie's mood had plummeted from 'curious' to 'high-dudgeon'. "So you're not going to tell me?" he grumbled.
In reply Captain Doobie booted Goodtime Slim really quite hard in the arse. His housemate flew forwards over the Occasional Table, banged his head on a doily and went down for the count. In triumph Captain Doobie grabbed the discarded binoculars and looked through them, hurriedly fiddling with the little focussing thingie in the middle of the bendy bit.
"Oh my g'quan," he breathed, "I don't believe it."