Tuesday, December 15, 2009

In Which I Behave In The Manner Of A Character From A Charles Dickens Novel

Today I officially entered the 19th century, as I made use of the services of a Cobbler for the first time. As I have now started work at a job that requires nice shiny shoes, my old boots looked a bit shabby. I polished them and found that the leather is still really good but the heels had worn down. Unwilling as I am to throw some otherwise perfectly good (and expensive!) boots in the bin, I hunted down a strange and wizened Cobbler by the name of Mr Minit, who NAILED some new heel pads on. How cool is that? I now have hob-nailed boots.

I am not a Dustman, however, because I fail to refer to them as 'daisy roots'.

That is all.

1 comment:

Red Vampyress said...

you are a strange, strange man D E White (don't worry, i won't reveal your secret identity!), but that's why i luv ya!