Monday, January 29, 2007

Mad Max: The Director's Cut

When making movies, especially on a tight budget, there are always things that directors wish to do, but cannot. In the case of Kennedy Miller's "Mad Max" (1977) many scenes had additional dialogue which could not be used for reasons of length. This additional dialogue has remained filed away at the SA Film corp for some time, but can now be revealed to the general public. I have edited a small sample below.

Scene 34: Outside The Halls Of Justice.
As the court case against Johnny The Boy drags on, Bubba Zanetti stands waiting for his return to the Halls Of Justice. Behind him, several teenage boys are examining the wreckage of the Chevy.

Boy: Hey mister, what happened to that?
Bubba: What do you think happened to it?
Boy: Looks like it was chewed up and spat out.
Bubba: Perhaps it was the result of anxiety.
Boy: Are you a poofter?

Scene 5: The Caravan Scene.
The MFP car containing Roop and Charlie (Big Bopper) has smashed through a caravan. While Charlie lays unconscious Roop manages to radio to the other pursuing officers:

BB: Big Bopper to March Hare, we can't continue, we're out of the game. Oh, and you'd better send a meat wagon. Charlie's copped a saucepan in the throat.

MH: A what now?
BB: A saucepan.
MH: What's a sucepan again?
MH: What, an actual saucepan?
MH: Sorry, I thought you were using some CB term I hadn't heard before.
BB: (sighs) No, I meant a real, actual saucepan.
MH: Oh. Sh*t.

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