Friday, June 20, 2008

Empire Strikes Back: The Lost Scripts

Empire Strikes Back: The Lost Scripts

Cloud City, Bespin: Main Dining Chamber.

Han Solo: Why you...!
Lando Calrissian: I had no choice. They arrived right before you did.
Han fires three times at Vader. Vader blocks the bolts with his hand and uses the force to grab the blaster.
Darth Vader: We would be honoured if you would join us.
Princess Leia: Well? Aren't you going to take us away?
DV: I asked you to dinner.
HS: If you think we're going to sit down and eat with y...what's that?
DV: This? Fried Ewok.. Quite a delicacy, or so I am told.
LC: In all candour the Ewok is quite good.
Chewbacca: Rooowr!
PL: Actually it has been quite a while since breakfast.
HS: I'll try the..what did you say it was?
DV: Fried Ewok. On a bed of wronshyr leaves.
PL: (suspiciously) Where did you get Ewok from in the first place?
DV: Endor. (to himself) Blast!
PL: What? Did you say Endor? As in the forest moon?
DV: No.
HS: Why is the Empire hanging around Endor?
DV: Um, the Emperor wanted a change from Bothans. Look, can we change the subject? Here, try the gourmet duck!
PL: General Reekian was telling me the other day about something called a Waldorf Salad.
DV: (blankly) Er, I think we're all out of Waldorfs...
Boba Fett enters.
DV: Ah, Boba, good. Can you fetch the roast duck please (aside) Look out, they're rebels. Don't mention the war! I did once, but I *think* I got away with it.

Boba Fett: Que?

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