Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Star Wars: The Lost Scripts

Star Wars: The Lost Scripts

Aboard the Tantive IV
Stormtrooper: Sir, the Death Star Planms are not in the main computer!
Darth Vader: Are you sure?
ST: Yes, sir.
DV: You've checked all the drives? What about 'My Documents'?
ST: Um...
DV: Aha! Well?
ST: There was a file under 'My Documents' labelled 'Death Star Plans', but...
DV: But what?
ST: It had no little dot-thingie at the end and when we tried to open it we just got a list of programs.
DV: What, like a list of windows things?
ST: Yep. We tried to open it as an internet document but that didn't work.
DV: So, use something else.
ST: We can't! now it just defaults to Explorer every time we try to open it.
DV: Fine. Everybody out.
ST: But what about the plans?
DV: We'll reboot the ship.
ST: My lord, I...
DV: I know what i'm doing! I am more machine now than man, you know.
ST: Yes, but...
DV: No buts! Save everything then get back to the Star Destroyer.

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