Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Where Were You...?

It's become pretty popular these days to talk about where you were on 9/11. As i'm unable to resist a new fad I thought i'd give you my two-cents-worth.

When 9/11 occurred I was either racing around Bathurst or committing piracy on the Spanish Main. This is because I was asleep. Friends of mine were apparently ringing each other and having whatever the apocalyptic version of a kaffeeklatch is but they've never fully explained why they didn't ring me. I'd say because I was the only one who had a job at the time but I don't want to be accused of making value judgments.*

Anyway, the upshot of all this was that the next day, while everyone else was blearily ruminating into their tenth-or-so coffee, I was keen-eyed, clear-headed and Taking Care Of Business, which in my case involved selling cars. I'm pleased to say that if it had been the aim of Al Quaeda to disrupt the Australian economy by aggressively negotiating an ultra-sharp deal on a 2001 Mitsubishi Magna, then their plans were foiled.

*Despite the fact that I am.

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