Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Around The Courts

Around The Courts

NOARLUNGA - Magistrate R Farchly today presided over the litigation case of C Doobie v Mercantile Alliance. In the case, C Doobie was suing his insurer, Mercantile Alliance, for the sum of 6 million dollars after Mercantile Alliance had failed to compensate him for the loss of his business in a recent, extremely localised earthquake.

Mr Doobie's business, the Captain Doobie Etch-A-Sketch Art Gallery, was claimed by him to contain many works of art of 'priceless value and artistic merit' which were completely lost in the event.

Mercantile Alliance corporate lawyers alleged that they had not paid Mr Doobie's claim as he was never registered as a customer with them, had never made a premium payment, and was completely unknown to them in any sense of the word.

Mr Doobie's star witness, distinguished Kerplunkistani art critic Sheik G Slim, failed to arrive in court. Mercantile Alliance moved to dismiss.

The case continues tomorrow.

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