Friday, October 19, 2007

True Or False:

True Or False:

1. Geese are the only birds that can fly backwards.
2. The world record for stuffing fun-sized Mars Bars up someone else's nose is 27.
3. The Ancient Greeks invented gunpowder by rubbing a rabbit with a glass rod.
4. NASA accidentally left a stapler on the moon in 1971.
5. Fish are legal tender in Samoa.
6. Hair continues to grow while you are asleep.
7. All artillery pieces in the British Army still have the capacity to fire cannonballs.
8. All GPS devices are slightly incorrect as they fail to take into account continental drift.
9. The Chrysler Corporation once designed a car to run on sea water.
10. There were 25 confirmed sightings of Wombles in suburban London last year.

(1:T, 2:T, 3:F, 4:maybe, 5:T, 6:don't know, 7:duh, 8:yes, 9:T, 10:F)

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