Friday, April 18, 2008

Belvedere! Come here boy!

Belvedere! Come here boy!

Last week a friend of mine complained that he had become a statistic when through no fault of his own he found himself blogging in a coffee shop. Well, I believe I may be able to top that.

Today is Wish Day in honour of the Make A Wish Foundation, and I find myself blogging from my desk at work decked out in complete Confederate Army battle-dress. Only a Private, of course. I will admit that i'm struggling to think of a reason why anyone would actually WISH to be a Confederate, but truth be told it was just an excuse to buy the hat...

...and make disparaging remarks about Yankees.


Anonymous said...

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M J Meakins said...

Hi! I think you are knowing me, I am Chi and we party in Soho in 2004? Go the Comets!!! Your blog is wholesome and educative, I show it to my children :) I also have blog that I am thinking you will find absorbent...........