Monday, April 14, 2008

You Might Be A Bogan Jedi If...

You Might Be A Bogan Jedi If...

    You use your lightsaber to take the cap off of a VB.
    That "disturbance in the Force" was just last night's baked beans.
    The inside of your house looks more like Dagobah than the outside.
    You call your young apprentice Fucknuckle.
    The Force isn't the only thing that runs in your family.
    You call Jimmy Barnes "master".
    Your landspeeder has the spoiler off of a late model Commodore.
     You have ever used a lightsaber to light your farts.
    Your Jedi robe is camouflage colored.
    At least one wing of your X-Wing is in undercoat.
    You can't see anything wrong with how Yoda talks.
    You have ever had your R2 unit use its arc welding torch to open a tough iced coffee carton.
    You jump-start your lightsaber off a car battery.
    You have ever beaten up Han Solo for lookin' at your sister.
    You count B.O. as a Jedi power.
    You have a Z-95 Headhunter up on blocks around the front of your house.

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