Monday, March 05, 2007

Random Doobings

Goodtime Slim balanced the tray of champagne flutes precariously as he adjusted his bow tie and attempted to walk from one side of the ballroom to the other. As he picked his way through the crowd the tray got lighter until, when he was very nearly at the door, a familiar voice said, "I say, is there no more bubbly?"

Goodtime Slim turned to find the largest pair of ears he'd ever seen.
"Prince Charles!" he cried in surprise.
"Why yes," replied the slightly bemused Prince of Wales.
"Hang on," said Goodtime Slim, "i'll grab some more champagne in a minute but first, there's something I have to know."
"Yes? What's that?"
"What the hell is it with you and Camilla? I mean, Diana was a right little hornbag, but Camilla? What on earth were you thinking?"

The Prince looked sheepish. 'Yes, I know," he said in a small voice, "I certainly had the sherry monocle on that night."

1 comment:

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