Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Random Doobings

The tension in the car was palpable as the pair headed back home. Captain Doobie suffered in silence for a while, then turned to Goodtime Slim, who was driving.
"Ok, i'm getting the vibe that something is wrong," he said.
Goodtime Slim gripped the steering wheel harder. "Oh really?" he asked through clenched teeth, "what gives you that idea?"
"Oh, for heaven's sake, I give up. What is it? What did I do this time?"
"You know perfectly well," replied Goodtime Slim, staring resolutely ahead.
"No I don't."
Goodtime Slim exploded. "It is not acceptable to ask the Dalai Lama to pull your finger!"
"Well, he did."
"That's beside the point."

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